Supporting Paula
In 1995, the realised yogi, Geshe Yeshe Tobden, told me that the most important example I could give to the world would be to continue to ask for support in my life. The key to success in the path to Enlightenment is to abandon the eight worldly concerns. Geshe-la said, in the west, you have teachers, ordained people, beautiful temples, texts, but what you don’t have is authentic practitioners who have given up working at jobs for livelihood, who devote their lives to full time practice.
Buddha Shakyamuni dedicated eons of his generosity to the support of his future adepts. I am extremely grateful, deeper than words, from my heart, to all the kind friends who have supported me for all these years. I never forget that kindness. I pray now that there will be support for those who wish to practice at Braeview.
Any offering made via this page will go into a fund to help provide Paula with a home where she can live comfortably long term and do retreat. It will also enable her to support those who come to do retreat in Braeview Hermitage and continue to travel and teach around the world.
Paula continues to pray for everyone who has ever supported her. When you make a donation please include dedications so those who do retreat at Braeview Cottage can include them in their practice.
Supporting Paula
In 1995, the realised yogi, Geshe Yeshe Tobden, told me that the most important example I could give to the world would be to continue to ask for support in my life. The key to success in the path to Enlightenment is to abandon the eight worldly concerns. Geshe-la said in the west, you have teachers, ordained people, beautiful temples, texts, but what you don’t have is authentic practitioners who have given up working at jobs for livelihood, who devote their lives to full time practice. He said no one has real refuge in the Triple Gem until they relinquish their livelihood to the care of the Buddhas. Geshe-la said for western dharma practitioners’ real refuge is in their job, their health insurance, family, etc…Wow…
Buddha Shakyamuni dedicated eons of his generosity to the support of his future adepts. I am extremely grateful, deeper than words, from my heart, to all the kind friends who have supported me for all these years. I never forget that kindness. I pray now that there will be support for those who wish to practice at Braeview.
Any offering made via this page will go into a fund to help provide Paula with a home where she can live comfortably long term and do retreat. It will also enable her to support those who come to do retreat in Braeview Hermitage and continue to travel and teach around the world.